Feb 27, 2022
Across the roughly 85-million-acre National Park System there are, in theory at least, some 70 million acres envisioned as official wilderness. Forty-four million acres have received Congressional blessing as such, while another 26 million acres are in something akin to administrative limbo.
Some of those 26 million...
Feb 20, 2022
How many are too many? That’s the question to mull in the wake of news from the National Park Service that nearly 300 million visited the National Park System last year.
What is the perfect number for annual visitation to the park system’s 423 units?
To help sort out the pluses and minuses of 300 million visitors a...
Feb 13, 2022
Should Yellowstone National Park have more bison, should it have less? Just recently the park embarked on an environmental impact statement to examine that question.
Dr. James Derr, a professor of veterinary genetics at Texas A&M University who has spent more than a quarter century directing worldwide research projects...
Feb 6, 2022
RVing –- traveling by recreational vehicle –- has exploded along with the coronavirus pandemic. Sales have gone through the roof, inventory has been depleted, and would-be customers often have to wait months before they can hit the road with their new rig.
Many, if not most, of those RV enthusiasts are heading into...