Apr 2, 2023
When warm weather spreads across the National Park System, many parks offer nightly gatherings around the campfire. The tradition of gathering around a flickering fire goes back thousands of years. Fire, after all, was the giver of light in the darkest of night, and seen as offering safety from what might lurk about in the dark.
For the park visitor, nightly campfire gatherings are not about feeling safe from the darkness, but rather an opportunity to learn about the surrounding park landscape from a well informed park ranger. Back in 1968, a National Park Service training brochure explained that the national park campfire provides an opportunity to weld the visitor's random experiences and impressions into an understanding and appreciation for the park’s real values. Of course, there are a number of definitions and expectations for what constitutes a campfire story.
Today we’re going to explore “Campfire Stories: Tales from America’s National Parks and Trails” with editors of the book Dave and Ilyssa Kyu.